As mentioned previously, the geographical make up of the country impedes the delivery of services and facilities across the atolls in an equitable manner.As with the rest of the population, this affects the opportunities and options available for young people.For instance, not all the islands has access to higher education opportunities or tertiary and reproductive healthcare services, and young people have to depend on the atoll capitals or Male’ to access these services. Unemployment is also a serious issue with43% of the youth population being unemployed. In addition, differentiation in development of various regions takes it toll on employment opportunities of youth, particularly of rural islands, which makes young people migrate to urban centres, resorts and the capital for better or relevant positions of employment, leaving small islands almost devoid of young people to take up important roles and responsibilities in the community.
Another area where youth face serious challenges is access to housing, primarily in the more urban islands and at quite critical levels in the capital. In Male’ the majority of the residents live in extremely crowded conditions at exorbitant rental prices. These conditions cause claustrophobia both physically and psychologically, causing young people to spend a large part of their time outside of their homes. Coupled with the issue of youth unemployment this then creates a breeding ground for anti-social behavior, crime and drug use.
Nevertheless, the opening of space and freedoms with the new Constitution has been beneficial for youth in the area of civic engagement. Young people have always been at the forefront of organizing communal activities in the islands of the Maldives,organizing the marking of cultural and religious activities, as well as volunteering in communal tasks such as clean ups and restoration of public assets.With the introduction of the political party system and rights such as freedom of speech and association young people are also participating in large numbers in civic activities such as campaigning, voting, and establishing and leading civil society organizations related to areas of good governance and human rights.
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